UUID to user profile (skins, capes, etc.)

This endpoint allows users to supply a UUID to be checked and get its profile information (username, legacy status, skin, and cape), if it resolves to a valid Minecraft profile.

Keep in mind that this endpoint is not on the normal Mojang API subdomain, instead it is located on sessionserver.mojang.com.


  • Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /session/minecraft/profile/:uuid
  • Full URL: https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/profile/:uuid

The only URL parameter that is needed is uuid, the UUID that you want to look up.

In order for the textures property to contain the signature, the ?unsigned=false query parameter must be appended to the URL. Otherwise, the signature is omitted from the response.


200: OK

A valid Minecraft profile was found for the supplied UUID. Sample response below:

  "id" : "f1bfcbddc68b49bfaac9fb9d8ce5293d", // UUID of account
  "name" : "123lmfao4", // account username
  "properties" : [ {
    "name" : "textures",
    "value" : "ewogICJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiIDogMTYwNzAwNDI0NTk2OCwKICAicHJvZmlsZUlkIiA6ICJmMWJmY2JkZGM2OGI0OWJmYWFjOWZiOWQ4Y2U1MjkzZCIsCiAgInByb2ZpbGVOYW1lIiA6ICIxMjNsbWZhbzQiLAogICJ0ZXh0dXJlcyIgOiB7CiAgICAiU0tJTiIgOiB7CiAgICAgICJ1cmwiIDogImh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTM1ZjNhOGRmOTY5YjU2YjM2ZjlhYTYwYTczNmEyZjkwNjFkZTRjY2YwZmU5NjU3ZDZjOWJjMDJkNzdiZmQ3ZSIsCiAgICAgICJtZXRhZGF0YSIgOiB7CiAgICAgICAgIm1vZGVsIiA6ICJzbGltIgogICAgICB9CiAgICB9CiAgfQp9", // base64-encoded texture information
    "signature" : "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" // base64-encoded signature of the property - only present if the ?unsigned=false query parameter is specified
  } ],
  "legacy" : true // will only appear if profile is legacy / unmigrated (2010-2012). if profile is migrated this just won't show up

The base64-encoded texture information, when decoded, is another bit of JSON. Sample response below (added cape information from another profile, 123lmfao4 does not have a cape):

  "timestamp" : 1607004245968, // timestamp when you sent the request
  "profileId" : "f1bfcbddc68b49bfaac9fb9d8ce5293d", // UUID of account
  "profileName" : "123lmfao4", // account username
  "textures" : {
    "SKIN" : {
      "url" : "http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/e35f3a8df969b56b36f9aa60a736a2f9061de4ccf0fe9657d6c9bc02d77bfd7e", // skin URL
      "metadata" : {
        "model" : "slim" // alex (slim) or steve (classic)?
    "CAPE" : { // will not show up if account doesn't have a cape
      "url" : "http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/153b1a0dfcbae953cdeb6f2c2bf6bf79943239b1372780da44bcbb29273131da" // cape URL

204: No Content

There is no response for this error. If you encounter this error, the UUID you have provided has either never been on a profile or has been on a profile that is hard-deleted.

400: Bad Request

When getting this error, you most likely have supplied an invalid UUID (invalid length).

// invalid length
  "error" : "Bad Request",
  "path" : "/session/minecraft/profile/invalid_uuid"

// invalid characters
  "error" : "Bad Request",
  "path" : "/session/minecraft/profile/3126ba4c6uud424c877d1347fa974d23"