Fetch sale statistics (Removed)

This endpoint has been removed by Mojang on the 8th March 2022. Mojang staff member Ined spoke about this matter on Twitter, click here to see his tweet.

Original Article Contents

This endpoint reveals sale statistics of numerous Mojang games.

Keep in mind that the response totals are added together for all of the products listed in the metricKeys array.


  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /orders/statistics
  • Full URL: https://api.mojang.com/orders/statistics
  • Headers:
    • Accept: application/json
    • Content-Type: application/json

This endpoint fetches sale statistics for the provided Mojang games. For the metricKeys array, you can choose one or multiple of the following sale identifiers:

item_sold_minecraft # amount of copies of Minecraft NOT purchased via prepaid card / giftcode
prepaid_card_redeemed_minecraft # amount of copies of Minecraft that are purchased via prepaid card / giftcode
item_sold_cobalt # amount of copies of Cobalt NOT purchased via prepaid card / giftcode
prepaid_card_redeemed_cobalt # amount of copies of Cobalt that are purchased via prepaid card / giftcode
item_sold_scrolls # amount of copies of Scrolls sold
item_sold_dungeons # amount of copies of Minecraft Dungeons sold

As the POST body, you must use an array that looks similar to this (of course, adding your own sale identifiers):

  "metricKeys": [


200: OK

Successfully listed sale statistics. If you provided an invalid product name(s), the sale statistics will all be zero.

   "total": 37547032, // total amount of sales
   "last24h": 10469, // sales in last 24 hours
   "saleVelocityPerSeconds": 0.15333334 // decimal avg. sales per second for all provided products

400: Bad Request

Your request was malformed. Perhaps you listed zero products in your array, or perhaps your array does not contain the metricKeys object.

// listed zero products in array
   "error": "IllegalArgumentException",
   "errorMessage": "No key provided."

// array doesn't contain metricKeys
   "error": "IllegalArgumentException",
   "errorMessage": "keys can not be null."