Check your account's capes

This endpoint allows an authenticated user to view information about their owned Minecraft capes.

Note: This endpoint is now deprecated. Use the "View profile information" endpoint instead.


  • Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /user/profile/:uuid/cape
  • Full URL:
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Bearer [JWT/auth token here]

The only URL parameter here is uuid, the UUID tied to your Minecraft profile & Bearer token.


200: OK

No errors occurred while fetching cape information. An empty array ([]) is returned if the account has no capes. Sample response below:

// if account has capes
    "id": "6504b0100316402f88812ccb1fb17116", // internal cape identifier
    "alias": "Minecon2012", // human-readable cape name
    "type": "CAPE", // "SKIN" for a skin
    "url": "", // texture URL
    "visible": true, // is the cape visible?
    "profileId": "0030df850a0744d4b22d9c5ca1dc5167", // UUID of account
    "textureId": "a2e8d97ec79100e90a75d369d1b3ba81273c4f82bc1b737e934eed4a854be1b6", // texture id
    "selected": true, // is the cape currently enabled on the profile?
    "deleted": false, // has the cape been deleted?
    "version": 2 // implies a v1... not sure

// if no capes

401: Unauthorized

This error occurs when you either haven't answered your security questions, or when you've passed an invalid or expired Bearer token in the Authorization header.

  "error" : "UnauthorizedOperationException",
  "errorMessage" : "User not authenticated"

403: Forbidden

When getting this error, you have most likely tried to view cape information tied to a UUID of a profile that is not linked to your Bearer token.

  "error" : "ForbiddenOperationException",
  "errorMessage" : "Invalid profile id or access token."