Change user password

This endpoint allows an authenticated user on a Mojang account to change their password.


  • Method: PUT
  • Endpoint: /users/password
  • Full URL:
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Bearer [JWT/auth token here]
    • Content-Type: application/json

There are no URL parameters. Sample PUT body below:

  "oldPassword" : "OKTheSongGoesLikeThis", // current password
  "password" : "NeverGonnaGiveYouUpNeverGonnaLetYouDown" // new password


204: No Content

The password has been changed successfully. You must log in to your account again. There is no response for this status code.

400: Bad Request

This status code is returned if the old password provided is invalid, or if you have supplied an invalid JSON body.

// when old password is invalid
  "error" : "IllegalArgumentException",
  "errorMessage" : "Old password invalid."

// supplied invalid JSON body
  "error" : "JsonParseException",
  "errorMessage" : "Unexpected character ('\"' (code 34)): was expecting comma to separate Object entries\n at [Source: (org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpInputOverHTTP); line: 1, column: 29]"

// this body (apparently) is sent in some cases. not sure what triggers it.
  "error" : "IllegalArgumentException",
  "errorMessage" : "Unsecure request"

401: Unauthorized

You have not provided a valid JWT / auth token, or you failed to answer security questions, or you have neglected to provide the Authorization header at all.

  "error" : "Unauthorized",
  "errorMessage" : "The request requires user authentication"