Authenticating a Mojang account

In order to use any of the endpoints on Mojang's API that require authentication, we of course need to be authenticated. This article goes through how to authenticate a user via Mojang's authserver, codename Yggdrasil, to get an authorization token we can use.

Keep in mind, this endpoint is not on the main Mojang API domain, instead using


  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /authenticate
  • Full URL:
  • Headers:
    • Content-Type: application/json

The POST body should fit this format:

  "agent" : {
    "name" : "Minecraft", // identifying which game is connecting, "Scrolls" returns Scrolls profile info
    "version" : 1 // version of the agent (OPTIONAL)
  }, // you don't even need this! "agent" : "minecraft" works fine too.
  "username" : "testuser@domain.tld", // username (legacy) or email address
  "password" : "CoolPassw0rd!34^", // password
  "clientToken" : "Mojang-API-Client", // client token used to identify yourself (OPTIONAL)
  "requestUser" : "true" // request a response back containing user information (OPTIONAL)

Note: If clientToken is null or not provided in the POST body, Yggdrasil will generate a random UUIDv4 as the clientToken.

Interestingly enough, Mojang only cares about the first 72 characters of a user's password. You don't need to supply any more characters, but if you do and if you get any more characters wrong, it'll still let you in.


200: OK

We have successfully authenticated. Below is a sample response of what you would recieve when you are successfully authenticated:

  "user" : { // Mojang user info (only when requestUser is true)
    "properties" : [ // user properties (MAY NOT BE RETURNED.)
        "name" : "preferredLanguage", // which language system emails will be sent in
        "value" : "en-us" // IETF language tag
        "name" : "registrationCountry", // where the account was first registered
        "value" : "US" // two-letter country code
    "username" : "newname34234", // Mojang account email or username (legacy)
    "id" : "2ea6d02ea02ea6e2acf579df2e2eb15f" // Mojang account identifier (userId value)
  "accessToken" : "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJlZTMxOTRiMzE4ZWE0OWExYjdjYTgzYTEzMDkyZGY2YSIsInlnZ3QiOiJiNTdjZjJjNzI0Njk0N2ViOTk3NDUxZmIyOGYyNTRlYSIsInNwciI6IjQxYzQwZTY2M2I1YTRhOWI4M2ZiZjkzM2VjNWI5ZTU4IiwiaXNzIjoiWWdnZHJhc2lsLUF1dGgiLCJleHAiOjE2MDcwNjIyMjUsImlhdCI6MTYwNjg4OTQyNX0.GLSOzNO5zbb0aU0emCHfMmEke1kGzfRsk7mwrrBrhbs", // Bearer token
  "clientToken" : "Mojang-API-Client", // client token we identified ourselves with
  "availableProfiles" : [ // array of available profiles (one Mojang account can have multiple Minecraft profiles on it)
      "legacy" : true, // if the account is not legacy, this won't show up
      "name" : "newname34234", // username of this profile
      "id" : "5589a384380a4e869b1e65e2dcaa04e2" // uuid of this profile
  "selectedProfile" : { // profile info on the currently selected profile
    "legacy" : true, // if the account is not legacy, this won't show up
    "name" : "newname34234", // username of current profile
    "id" : "5589a384380a4e869b1e65e2dcaa04e2" // uuid of current profile

400: Bad Request

This error may be encountered when you have supplied an invalid JSON body.

  "error" : "JsonMappingException",
  "errorMessage" : "Unexpected character ('/' (code 47)): maybe a (non-standard) comment? (not recognized as one since Feature 'ALLOW_COMMENTS' not enabled for parser)\n at [Source: (org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpInputOverHTTP); line: 3, column: 14] (through reference chain: com.mojang.yggdrasil.auth.dataaccess.memcached.throttling.captcha.CaptchaCredentials[\"agent\"])"

403: Forbidden

There can be numerous reasons why you received this error. A few are listed below, with their error messages:

// provided invalid credentials OR you are ratelimited
  "error" : "ForbiddenOperationException",
  "errorMessage" : "Invalid credentials. Invalid username or password."

// trying to log in to an unmigrated / legacy account which has already been migrated
  "error" : "ForbiddenOperationException",
  "errorMessage" : "Invalid credentials. Account migrated, use email as username.",
  "cause" : "UserMigratedException"

// did not include the "username" value in POST body
  "error" : "ForbiddenOperationException",
  "errorMessage" : "Forbidden"

405: Method Not Allowed

If you are sending any request other than a POST request, this error will appear.

  "error" : "Method Not Allowed",
  "errorMessage" : "The method specified in the request is not allowed for the resource identified by the request URI"

410: Gone

This error occurs when you try to sign in to a Mojang account that has since been migrated to a Microsoft account. It only appears when you sign in with the last email and password used before its migration to Microsoft. If you do not use the correct last email and last password, you will be met with a standard 403 Forbidden error.

  "error" : "GoneException",
  "errorMessage" : "Migrated"

415: Unsupported Media Type

When encountering this error, you have most likely neglected to add the Content-Type: application/json header to your request.

  "error" : "Unsupported Media Type",
  "errorMessage" : "The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method"